Monday 16 July 2012

latic acid

 lactic acid is used mostly by athletes to describe the intense pain felt during exhaustive exercise, especially in events like the 400 metres and 800 metres.When energy is required to perform exercise itcomes from  the breakdown of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP).There are three energy systems that rregains energy they are:ATP-PC, lactic acid and Aerobic energy systems.
Latic Acid provides very  quick supply of ATP for intense short burtst of energy it usally lasts up 30-60 secs however it can last up to 3 mins.The duration depends on the intensity of the activity  The leless the intense the activity the longer it will last NEED TO SAY ABOUT FATIGUE

Long term effects

Long Term Effect Of Exercise
the cardiac muscles surrounding the heart hypertorphies (gets bigger) making thicker and stronger walls consequently it leads to the hearts volume to increase.The more blood pumpped around the body,the faster the oxygen is being diliverd to the mucles that need it.In order to do this the number of red blood cells will increase
The restin heart rate will decrese(slow down)Because the heart will be trained due to the more efficient circulatory system.
The growth of latic acid is much lower during higher levels of activity  due to the circulatory system providing more Oxygen and removing waste products faster.

The mucles bones and ligaments become bigger become stronger to cope with the additional stresses and impact put on them
The amount of Myoglobin within skeletal muscle increases, which allows more Oxygen to be stored within the muscle, and transported to the mitochondria(aka the powerhouse of the cell because they produce ATP from sugar and other organic molecules .
Muscles are capable of storing a larger amount of glycogen for energy.
Enzymes involved in energy production become more concentrated and efficient to aid the speed of metabolism.which could cause you to loose weight faster this is why people exercise  

Monday 9 July 2012

Musculoskeletal System

Musculoskeletal System includes :
BonesThey support, and protect the various organs of the body, produce red and white blood cells and store minerals. Bone tissue is a type of dense connective tissue. Bones come in a variety of shapes and have a complex internal and external structure, are lightweight yet strong and hard, and serve multiple functions.
Muscels are also necessary for movement: They're the masses of tough, elastic tissue that pull our bones when we move.As one muscle pulls the other one relaxes
Joints are where two bones meet.
They make the skeleton flexible,without them movement would be impossible.

To test how flexible are Musculoskeletal system is i did the sit and reach test before my muscels are warmed up the result was 26 before and 30 after.My flexiblilty increased by 4cm because my muscels and ligmants(sinoval fluid inside the ligmants) warmed up alowing me to strech more

long term effect on the Musculoskeletal System
Over time of exercise your bone will become more dense
The compact bone is the hard bit of your bone protecting your spongy bone and yellow marrow the compact bone can be made more dense by exercising this can make  the compact bone stronger