Monday 16 July 2012

latic acid

 lactic acid is used mostly by athletes to describe the intense pain felt during exhaustive exercise, especially in events like the 400 metres and 800 metres.When energy is required to perform exercise itcomes from  the breakdown of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP).There are three energy systems that rregains energy they are:ATP-PC, lactic acid and Aerobic energy systems.
Latic Acid provides very  quick supply of ATP for intense short burtst of energy it usally lasts up 30-60 secs however it can last up to 3 mins.The duration depends on the intensity of the activity  The leless the intense the activity the longer it will last NEED TO SAY ABOUT FATIGUE

Long term effects

Long Term Effect Of Exercise
the cardiac muscles surrounding the heart hypertorphies (gets bigger) making thicker and stronger walls consequently it leads to the hearts volume to increase.The more blood pumpped around the body,the faster the oxygen is being diliverd to the mucles that need it.In order to do this the number of red blood cells will increase
The restin heart rate will decrese(slow down)Because the heart will be trained due to the more efficient circulatory system.
The growth of latic acid is much lower during higher levels of activity  due to the circulatory system providing more Oxygen and removing waste products faster.

The mucles bones and ligaments become bigger become stronger to cope with the additional stresses and impact put on them
The amount of Myoglobin within skeletal muscle increases, which allows more Oxygen to be stored within the muscle, and transported to the mitochondria(aka the powerhouse of the cell because they produce ATP from sugar and other organic molecules .
Muscles are capable of storing a larger amount of glycogen for energy.
Enzymes involved in energy production become more concentrated and efficient to aid the speed of metabolism.which could cause you to loose weight faster this is why people exercise  

Monday 9 July 2012

Musculoskeletal System

Musculoskeletal System includes :
BonesThey support, and protect the various organs of the body, produce red and white blood cells and store minerals. Bone tissue is a type of dense connective tissue. Bones come in a variety of shapes and have a complex internal and external structure, are lightweight yet strong and hard, and serve multiple functions.
Muscels are also necessary for movement: They're the masses of tough, elastic tissue that pull our bones when we move.As one muscle pulls the other one relaxes
Joints are where two bones meet.
They make the skeleton flexible,without them movement would be impossible.

To test how flexible are Musculoskeletal system is i did the sit and reach test before my muscels are warmed up the result was 26 before and 30 after.My flexiblilty increased by 4cm because my muscels and ligmants(sinoval fluid inside the ligmants) warmed up alowing me to strech more

long term effect on the Musculoskeletal System
Over time of exercise your bone will become more dense
The compact bone is the hard bit of your bone protecting your spongy bone and yellow marrow the compact bone can be made more dense by exercising this can make  the compact bone stronger  

Monday 14 May 2012

once the atp system has ran out after (average 10 secs) the glycogen then takes over up 60 secs however  lattic acid is produced which make your mucles ache

Glycogen is stored in the mucles glycolisis is the process of breaking it down


ATP-PC Muscles have a limited storage of 10 secs
-one splits of giveing your energy to your muscles  
making it Diphosphate
leaving only two
-Phospho creatine
ATP is brocken down to ADP is does this because a pulse is sent telling your body you need a burst of energy  meaning it will go to ADP then the C is taken away from the PC when the creatine is repreduced it adds PC back changing it back to ATP this burst of energy will only last for 10 secs therefore this is good for 100 meter sprint long jump,javaline
in order for somthing to break down its also use to reforme things e.c.t 50% use of energy 50% reproducing
we did some investigations in diffrent activities
we hired out a gym and started testing we did :
Pull Ups
Press Ups
Leg press
Because they need short bursts of energy and the atp has a limited storage of 10 secs
it is proven that atp is short burst in the leg press once i did one amount of of wieghts and moved up it was easy straight away after i didnt rest between them to let my creatine reproduce to let the pc change back into the atp it was harder to push however once i had rested for about a minuete i was able to us that short burst of enegy again
Atp can be found in the following sports :
100 meter sprint
long jump
1 quick rep of wieghts

Monday 30 April 2012

Increase synovial fluid

Synovial fluid
 is a viscous fluid found between bones in the membrane this is there to help not cause friction between your two bones 
Long term effect of synovial fluid
over a course of time ,of doing exercise your synovial fluid will wear away which will cause friction between two bones beacuse synovial fluid is found in your joints which will cause pain making you not want to do exercise so over time your synovial fluid increases so that example wont happend.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Respiratry Test

Respiratry includes
To test my breathing we got into two teams and played a game of ultimate frisbee
Before we started i took my breathing rate which was 24 after it was 30 my breathing rate increased because my heart pumps more blood around the body giving oxygen to my muscles that need it  and we get oxygen from the air we breath in
Long term effect -Over a long period of time of doing exercise regularly you have a bigger lung cappacity from the exercise because you have more avioli( in order to have this which you will develope more of after long term exercise)and a bigger tharasic cavity because your heart is a muscle it will also increase leading it to pump less as it will be able to pump once and take a great amount of oxygen in the red blood cells to the muscles  where as before your long term exercise that one pump will be the equivelant of two pumps.

Monday 16 April 2012

Cardiovascular test and Blood test

Cardiovascular includes-
blood presure

Cardiovascular test
Firstly i found my resting heart rate  - i did this by resting for two minets Then after taking my pulse for 10 secs and then timing the result by 6
My test was a 30meter relay race up and back-twice- 
Straight after i took my PuLes rate again for 10 secs again and times the result by 6 
My heart rate was alot faster after my exercise because my heart had to pump more blood around my body quicker delivering more oxygen to the muscles that require it. 

Blood presure; when your heart beats, it pumps blood round your body to give it the energy and oxygen it needs. As the blood moves, it pushes against the sides of the blood vessels. The strength of this pushing is your blood pressure. If your blood pressure is too high, it puts extra strain on your arteries (and your heart) this can cause heart attacks and strokes

my blood pressure before i exercised was _
And after i exercised it was _
The blood pressure increased beacause the vessles pump the blood around the body to deliver oxygen to the muscles that require them therfore our heart rate will increase too this is because every time our heart pumps its pumping blood around your body so the faster contracts together the higher your heart rate will be 

average blood pressure for an 15 year old 125/79
My resting blood pressure was 136/46 i have too much blood coming into the heart and not much coming out however this isnt a fair test because i havent done these so i was a bit nervous and this could affect the test because when you panic or get angry your body gives you a adrelanin rush which makes the blood pump faster its also known as fight,flight and fright its a natural instinct every human anamal e.c.t has            

Long terms affect of exercise on the heart
your heart beats will eventually decrease after exercise when consistantly done over a period of time. Beacuse your heart is a muscle consequently it will build and get stronger so it wont take as much beats to pump blood around the body   
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